PCM( Patternless Casting Manufacturing ) is a new technology that applies rapid prototyping technology to traditional resin sand casting process .
Firstly, the sand model is obtained from the CAD model of the product, and the STL file of the cast CAD model is layered to obtain the cross-section images, this process also been called layering of the mold. Input layer thickness and printing speed information for starting printing. After the raw sand properly mixed with the activator, the print head will jet binder to the sand precisely according to the cross-section images. The binder then reacts with the activator and cementation will occur immediately to make the sand stacked. The curing should be done layer by layer. After curing all layers, the sand mold is appropriately formed. Where there is no binder jetted, the sand remains loose and it is easy to clean up. By removing the uncured sand, a sand mold with a certain thickness can be obtained, which can be used for casting metal after the sand surface is coated. The cold core (box) manufacturing technology for 3d printing of micro-droplet jet sand mold was first developed in China, acquired multiple patents, greatly changing the conventional production cycle and manufacturing technology.