Product Category

3D Printing Machines

3D printing or additive manufacturing is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. With material being added together layer by layer(such as ABS plastics,resin sand or metal or ceramic). Guangdong Fenghua Zhuoli Technology Co., Ltd (FHZL in short) is the pioneer leading the commercialization of sand mold 3D printing technology in China. The technology is from Professor Yan Yongnian of Qsinghua University, the first person to conduct R&D of sand mold 3D printing in China. The R&D team led by Professor Yan initiated the tackling of Patternless Casting Manufacturing(PCM) in 1997 in hope of boosting the development of this technology within the motherland. After years of continuous efforts, the first generation of PCM 3D sand printer original in China was launched in 2010 and now our new 3D printers was successfully utilized to various fields.

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