What are the principles of CNC machining?

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What are the principles of CNC machining?

CNC machining is a machining method that uses digital information to control the displacement of parts and tools. It is an effective way to solve the problems of variable parts variety, small batch, complex shape and high precision, and realize efficient and automatic processing.

  • How does CNC machining achieve efficient production speed?

  • What are the principles of CNC machining?

  • What is the operation process of CNC machining?

How does CNC machining achieve efficient production speed?

1. the principle of the minimum number of calls for attachments.

That is, under the premise of ensuring processing quality, after calling an attachment, machining and cutting are carried out to the maximum extent each time to avoid multiple calls and installations of the same attachment.

2. the principle of the shortest tool path

Under the premise of ensuring the quality of CNC machining, creating the machining program with the shortest tool path can not only save machining time, but also reduce unnecessary tool wear and other consumption. The selection of the tool path is mainly in the determination of the roughing and idle paths, because the tool paths in the finishing process are basically guided along the contour of their parts. Under normal circumstances, if the starting point and the tool change point can be reasonably selected, and the idle stroke connection between each path can be reasonably arranged, the idle stroke length can be effectively shortened.

3. the principle of the smallest block

When creating CNC machining programs, it is always hoped that the machining of parts can be realized with the smallest number of blocks, in order to make the program clear, reduce the probability of errors and improve the efficiency of programming, and reduce the time and cost of block input. The number of occupied computer memory capacity.

What are the principles of CNC machining?

(1) The machining of the previous process can not affect the positioning and clamping of the next process.

(2) First inside and then outside, that is, the inner cavity (inner hole) is machined first, and then the outer shape is machined.

(3) The machining process with the same equipment or with the same tool should preferably be carried out continuously to reduce errors caused by repositioning or tool change.

⑷In the same equipment, the process that has less influence on the stiffness of the workpiece should be carried out first.

What is the operation process of CNC machining?

(1) Select and determine the parts and contents for CNC machining;

(2) Process analysis of CNC machining of parts drawings;

(3) Process design of CNC machining;

⑷ Mathematical machining of parts drawings;

⑸ Write the processing program list;

⑹ Make control medium according to program list;

⑺ Program review and modification;

⑻ Initial sample processing and on-site troubleshooting;

⑼ The completion and archiving of CNC machining process documents.

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