What are the production requirements for CNC machining?

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What are the production requirements for CNC machining?

CNC machining refers to the processing in which the control system issues commands to make the tool perform various movements to meet the requirements, and the shape and size of the workpiece and other technical requirements and processing technology requirements are expressed in the form of numbers and letters. It generally refers to the process of machining parts on CNC machine tools.

  • What are the main features of CNC machining?

  • What are the production requirements for CNC machining?

  • What are the advantages of CNC machining?

What are the main features of CNC machining?

The comprehensive processing ability of CNC machining is strong, and the workpiece can complete more processing contents after one chucking, and the processing accuracy is higher, and the efficiency is 5 to 10 times of the ordinary equipment for the batch workpiece with medium processing difficulty. In particular, it can complete the processing that cannot be done by many ordinary equipment, and it is more suitable for single piece processing or small and medium batch production of several kinds with more complex shape and high accuracy requirements.

What are the production requirements for CNC machining?

1. dimensions should meet the characteristics of CNC machining.

In NC programming, the dimensions and positions of all points, lines and surfaces refer to the programming origin. Therefore, it is best to specify the coordinate dimensions directly on the part drawing or try to specify the dimensions with the same reference.

2. reliable positioning reference

In CNC machining, the machining operations are often concentrated, and it is very important to locate with the same reference point. Therefore, it is often necessary to set some auxiliary reference points or add some process protrusions to the blank.

3. uniform geometry type or size.

The shape and inner cavity of the part should preferably adopt a uniform geometric type or size, which can reduce the number of tool changes and also apply control programs or special programs to shorten the program length. The shape of the part is as symmetrical as possible to facilitate programming with the mirror machining function of the CNC machine and save programming time.

What are the advantages of CNC machining?

CNC machining can greatly reduce the number of tools, and parts with complex shapes do not need complex tools. If you want to change the shape and size of the part, you only need to change the part machining program, which is suitable for developing and changing new products.

②The machining quality of CNC machining is stable, the machining accuracy is high and the repeatability is high, which is suitable for the machining requirements of aircraft.

③ The production efficiency is high for multi-variety and small batch production, which can reduce the time for production preparation, machine tool setting and process inspection, and the cutting time is reduced due to the use of the optimal cutting quantity.

④ CNC machining can process complex profiles that are difficult to be machined by traditional methods, and even process some unobservable machining parts.

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