What are the specific steps of battery housing inspection?

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What are the specific steps of battery housing inspection?

The battery housing is made of a strong synthetic resin with a special treatment, i.e. copolymer PP material.

  • Why is it necessary to check the battery housing?

  • What do I need to pay attention to before inspecting the storage battery housing?

  • What are the specific steps of battery housing inspection?

Why is it necessary to check the battery housing?

Many people think that the battery housing does not need to be inspected, but this is not the case. The various parts of the car have a role to play, so if there are problems with these parts, they may lead to problems when driving, and in serious cases, traffic accidents may occur. Checking the battery housing of your car will actually allow you to understand the power level of your car and also to grasp the basic structure of your car. In fact, many people have minor problems during the process of driving on the road. If you suddenly find that your car has no electricity, it may be because of a problem with the battery.

In fact, the method of checking is very simple, you can clean the surface of the car's battery, and then check if there are cracks in the battery housing, and then you can also check if the battery vent is blocked, so that you can also ensure safety.

What do I need to pay attention to before inspecting the storage battery housing?

Before inspection, the battery housing should be thoroughly cleaned with water to remove the slag and allowed to dry. The battery case and the middle compartment are then inspected with the naked eye to see if a cracking sound can be heard when struck. The junction of the middle door and the shell should be carefully checked for cracks. If a suspicious crack is found, a voltmeter check or a spark check can be used respectively to determine if there is a leak.

What are the specific steps of battery housing inspection?

① Voltmeter inspection method The battery housing to be inspected is placed in an acid-resistant container, the shell and container are injected with dilute acid solution, and the upper edge of the shell is about 15mm above the liquid level, and the part above the liquid level should be kept dry. Then, attract 110v or 220v power supply line (one end of the fire wire connected to the voltmeter), the two ends are connected to the metal plate, and then sink the two adjacent single cell slot, if there is leakage, the voltmeter pointer will be deflected. If you check the shell leakage, then one of the metal plates will be sunk in the solution outside the shell.

② spark check method The two ends of the lead wire of the homemade high-voltage spark generator are placed at the ends of the suspected cracks in the shell being checked, and if sparks occur on the contact gap, it means there is a crack.

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