What is the definition of CNC machining?

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What is the definition of CNC machining?

CNC machining is an advanced machining technology in today's machine building industry and an automatic machining process with high efficiency, high precision and high flexibility.

  • What is the definition of CNC machining?

  • What are the technological requirements of CNC machining?

  • What is the operational definition of CNC machining?

What is the definition of CNC machining?

A CNC machine tool is a machine tool controlled by a computer. The computer used to control the machine tool, whether it is a dedicated computer or a general-purpose computer, is collectively referred to as a numerical control system. The movement and auxiliary actions of CNC machine tools are controlled by the instructions issued by the CNC system.

The instructions from the CNC system are compiled by the programmer according to the material of the workpiece, the machining requirements, the characteristics of the machine tool, and the instruction format (NC language or symbols) provided by the system. The numerical control system sends run or finish information to the servo device and other functional components according to the program instructions to control various movements of the machine tool. When the machining program of the part ends, the machine stops automatically. For any kind of CNC machine tool, the CNC machine tool cannot work if there is no program command input to its CNC system.

The controlled actions of the machine tool roughly include starting and stopping the machine tool; starting and stopping the spindle, changing the direction and speed of rotation; the direction, speed and type of feed motion; selecting the tool, compensating the length and radius; replacing the tool, opening and closing the coolant, etc.

What are the technological requirements for CNC machining?

When programming CNC machining, the programmer must fully grasp the geometric element parameters that form the contour of the part and the relationship between the geometric elements. Since all geometric elements of the part contour must be defined during automatic programming and the coordinates of each node must be calculated during manual programming, no programming can be performed regardless of which point is unclear or uncertain. However, due to lack of consideration or neglect by part designers in the design process, parameters are often incomplete or unclear, such as whether arc and straight line, arc and arc are tangent, intersecting or separating. Therefore, you need to be careful when reviewing and analyzing the drawings and contact the designer in a timely manner if you find any problems.

What is the operational definition of CNC machining?

NC machining programming methods are divided into manual (manual) programming and automatic programming. Manual programming, the entire content of the program is written manually according to the command format specified by the CNC system. Automatic programming is computer programming, which can be divided into automatic programming methods based on language and painting. However, regardless of which type of automatic programming method is used, appropriate hardware and software are required.

It can be seen that the realization of CNC machining programming is the key. But programming alone is not enough. CNC machining also involves a series of preparations that must be carried out before programming and after programming.

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