What is the value of using a large sealed battery housing?

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What is the value of using a large sealed battery housing?

The battery housing is the main load-bearing component of the battery pack. Only the static and dynamic (rigidity, modal strength, etc.) stability of the housing can ensure that the power battery does not suffer from abusive working conditions and that the power system runs smoothly.

  • What are the components of the battery housing?

  • What are the characteristics of large sealed battery housings?

  • What is the value of using a large sealed battery housing?

What are the components of the battery housing?

The main reason for the use of synthetic resin in the battery housing is that the internal structure of the battery is related to the environment in which it is used, and the reason why the battery can store electricity is that it converts electrical energy into chemical energy. The internal structure of the battery is composed of anode plate, isolation plate, cathode plate and electrolyte (dilute sulphuric acid). This requires the battery housing to be made of materials with high corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, so it is made of copolymer PPO and PPO materials, the upper cover is also made of this material and then fused using hot melt technology.

What are the characteristics of large sealed battery housings?

The housing of the car battery is generally made of abs. Car batteries need to Chen Zhuang electrolyte and custody trip, electrolyte is a strong acid material, so that the requirements of external materials must be acid-resistant, corrosion-resistant, so abs material is in line with the requirements.

The shell of the battery is used to hold the electrolyte and pole plate group, the shell should be acid-resistant, heat-resistant, shock-resistant, and used to be made of hard rubber. Now the production of polypropylene plastic shells has begun. This kind of shell is not only acid-resistant, heat-resistant and shock-resistant, but also has high strength, thin wall (generally 3.5mm, while the wall thickness of hard rubber shell is 10mm), light weight, beautiful appearance and transparency.

What is the value of using a large sealed battery housing?

Some car companies are scrambling to increase the charging speed of their vehicles in order or competitive advantage, which makes the risk factor for consumers increasingly high. There are many reasons why new energy vehicles catch fire: faulty or ageing battery components, vehicles experiencing collisions, high vehicle loads, high temperature weather, etc. Faulty and ageing battery components are the main cause of new energy vehicle fires. The occurrence of many new energy vehicle battery spontaneous combustion incidents has made vehicle owners start to pay attention to the service life and production materials of new energy batteries. With the development of new energy vehicles, the lithium batteries that power the vehicles have been even more innovative, using flame retardant PC/ABS materials to produce new energy vehicle lithium battery housings.

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