What is the workflow of CNC machining?

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What is the workflow of CNC machining?

CNC machining does not require manual control of the tool and the level of automation is high. The advantages of CNC machining are obvious.

  • What is the automation of CNC machining reflected?

  • What is the workflow of CNC machining?

  • What is the history of CNC machining?

What is the automation of CNC machining reflected?

(1) CNC machining reduces the demands on operators:

A senior worker of an ordinary machine tool cannot be trained in a short time, while a CNC worker who does not need programming needs a very short training time (for example, a CNC lathe operator needs a week and a simple machining program can be it written). In addition, the parts machined by CNC workers on CNC machine tools are more precise and save time than the parts machined by ordinary workers on traditional machine tools.

(2) CNC machining reduces the labor intensity of workers: CNC workers are excluded from the machining process most of the time during the machining process, which is very labor-saving.

(3) The product quality of CNC machining is stable: the machining automation of CNC machine tools eliminates human errors such as fatigue, negligence and appreciation of workers on ordinary machine tools, and improves the consistency of products.

(4) High efficiency of CNC machining: the automatic tool change of CNC machine tools makes the machining process compact and improves labor productivity.

What is the workflow of CNC machining?

The movement and auxiliary actions of CNC machine tools are controlled by the instructions issued by the CNC system. The instructions from the CNC system are compiled by the programmer according to the material of the workpiece, the machining requirements, the characteristics of the machine tool, and the instruction format (NC language or symbols) provided by the system. The numerical control system sends run or finish information to the servo device and other functional components according to the program instructions to control various movements of the machine tool. When the machining program of the part ends, the machine stops automatically. For any kind of CNC machine tool, if there is no program command input to its CNC system, the CNC machine tool can not work.

What is the history of CNC machining?

CNC machining originated from the needs of the aerospace industry. In the late 1940s, a helicopter company in the United States proposed the original idea of CNC machine tools.In the 1960s, the CNC system and programming work became more sophisticated and perfect, and CNC machine tools were used in various industries, but the aerospace industry has always been the largest user of CNC machine tools. CNC machining parts include integral wall plates, beams, skins, bulkheads, propellers and aircraft engine casings, shafts, disks and blade mold cavities for aircraft and rockets, and special cavity surfaces for liquid rocket engine combustion chambers, etc. In the early stage of CNC machine tool development, continuous path CNC machine tools are the most important. Continuous motion path control is also called contouring control, which requires the tool to move relative to the part according to the specified motion path. Later develop energetic point-controlled CNC machine tools. Point control means that the tool will move from one point to another regardless of the movement route, as long as it can accurately reach the target at the end.

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