What do you know about cylinder head?

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What do you know about cylinder head?

The function of the cylinder head is to seal the cylinder, form a combustion chamber with the piston, and resist the action of high-temperature and high-pressure gas. The cylinder head is subjected to mechanical stresses caused by gas forces and cylinder bolt tightening, as well as high thermal stresses due to contact with high-temperature gas.

  • What do we need to look out for if my cylinder head is warped?

  • What is the role of the cylinder head?

  • What are the production materials of the cylinder head?

What should we pay attention to when my cylinder head is warped?

The deformation of the contact plane of cylinder block and cylinder head. Cylinder body up and down the plane of the tapped hole around the bulge, most of them are due to the assembly of the cylinder head bolt tightening force is too large, or the assembly of the tapped hole in the oil, water, dirt cleaning. When tightening the bolt, the tapped hole near the excessive tension to create a bulge, or the impact of dirt, the screw-in depth of the bolt is not enough, bolt hole in a very high gas pressure and deformation. In addition, if the tightening of the cylinder head bolts is too large or uneven torque, or not tightening and high temperature, it will lead to the disassembly of the cylinder head, and for other reasons, deformation of the cylinder block and the cylinder head. During repair, due to the uneven clearance of the main bearing hole, the deviation of the center line of the bearing seat hole, the bearing and seat hole tightness or bearing deformation and other reasons is not enough, so that the cylinder body is under additional pressure and causes deformation. In operation, for a long time at high speed, high load conditions, insufficient lubrication, burning holding shaft, etc., will also cause deformation of the cylinder block.

What is the role of the cylinder head?

1, cylinder head cover The first and most basic function is to cover and seal the cylinder head, keep the oil inside while keeping out dirt, moisture and other impurities. This may sound simple, but it is usually one of the most difficult aspects to do well.

2, The second function of the cylinder head cover is to isolate the oil from the air. During the operation of the engine, oil mist is formed. The cooler inner surface of the cylinder head cover collects the oil mist, causing the oil to condense and flow back into the oil housing.

What are the production materials of the cylinder head?

cylinder heads are generally made of high quality gray cast iron or alloy cast iron, while gasoline engines for cars usually use aluminum alloy cylinder heads. Aluminum alloy has good thermal conductivity, which is beneficial to improve the compression ratio of the engine. Secondly, it has excellent casting performance and is suitable for casting parts with complex structures. However, attention must be paid to the cooling of the aluminum alloy cylinder head, and the temperature of its lower level should be controlled below 300°C. Otherwise, overheating of the lower level will cause plastic deformation and warping.

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