cylinder head

Knowing that you are interested in cylinder head, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • Why do we need cylinder heads?


    To ensure good sealing of the cylinder, the cylinder head must not be damaged or deformed. For this purpose, the cylinder head should have sufficient strength and rigidity. Read More
  • What is the working situation of Cylinder Head?


    The main function of the Cylinder Head is to seal the cylinder, which forms a common combustion space with the piston and withstands the action of high temperature and high pressure gas. Read More
  • What is the function of the cylinder head?


    The cylinder head is used to close the cylinder and form the combustion chamber. Engine cylinder head with a side valve, cast with a water jacket, water inlet hole, water outlet hole, spark plug hole, screw hole, combustion chamber, and so on. Read More
  • What is a cylinder head?


    The function of the cylinder head of a car engine is to close the upper part of the cylinder, and together with the upper part of the piston to form the combustion chamber. cylinder head structure is complex, usually using foot iron or aluminum alloy material manufacturing, for certain engines, cylinder head structure varies, but there are many common points. cylinder head and the cylinder body combined, the level of the pit is part of the combustion chamber, in the cylinder head to the processing of valve seat. Read More
  • What do you know about cylinder head?


    The function of the cylinder head is to seal the cylinder, form a combustion chamber with the piston, and resist the action of high-temperature and high-pressure gas. The cylinder head is subjected to mechanical stresses caused by gas forces and cylinder bolt tightening, as well as high thermal stresses due to contact with high-temperature gas. Read More
  • What components does the cylinder head assembly consist of?


    The cylinder head should have sufficient rigidity and strength, because the cylinder head must withstand the mechanical load caused by the gas force and the tightening of the cylinder bolts, and also because it must withstand the thermal load caused by high temperature and high pressure. Read More
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